Study centre is off to a great start with eighteen students now enrolled. They were very patient whilst we managed to get everyone logging onto the machines and into Microsoft Teams. Thank you to our parent helper who came along and has been a great help whilst I try to get everybody onboard. We are filling up fast but if you would like your child to attend this Ministry of Education funded study centre please fill in the form and we will contact you.

This week we have learnt how to log on to the Windows pc’s and how to find the programmes we wish to use.

We spent time learning how to post messages to each other in Teams and how to ensure the intended people get notified of our messages. Making coloured folders and naming them and then putting documents and pictures in them.



We used “AI” to create new images from our imaginations and then how to use the images in a variety of ways. The images on this page are some of our examples. Kyeesha used the search term "Cat drinking a coke" to create a picture which gave wonderful results. Give it a try yourself at Image Creator from Microsoft Designer. Simply search using an idea of something that probably doesn’t exist and see what happens. 


Our next steps will be working towards good digital citizenship. document development and producing articles for our website. Using these skills, our students will be able to create their educational tasks in ways that work for them and their teachers.

Overall everyone had a great time seeing their imagination come to life in a really simple way and they enjoyed making an impact in Microsoft Teams. I look forward to seeing us all develop our skills over the year. 


SunnyspacerSunny said “I like it because it looks cool”






Mecispacer Meci said “This is fun, Study group is great. I learnt how to code and i can’t wait to do math or spelling and you should join because they make learning fun and its great all for your learning. So parents if you see this in the school web site you should sign your kid up




Ollie spacerOliver said “We did AI pictures by typing what we wanted. it was awesome. This is the AI picture that i typed. Its called a blue cat playing VR