Pupils visit the library with their classes throughout the year. They are usually able to borrow books and must have a book bag to put them in. Books are issued for two weeks and must be return after this point so other pupils can also benefit from them.
We would like to open our school library up to parents so they can issue books to read with their children at home. If you would like a login so you can issue books, please fill in the form.
The pool upgrade is moving along quickly and at this rate we will hopefully have it available for the children to use early in Term 1. The old pool changing sheds have been demolished and plans are being drawn up for the replacement sheds. It is likely these will be constructed a little later in the year. We are grateful to everyone who has helped to get the pool to the point it is.
Our school has a number of gardens. They are maintained by our staff, volunteers and students, especially the Enviroschools team.
Study Centre is underway, and we have a keen group of children taking part in this every day. This provides an opportunity for the tamariki to do a little extra work each day across areas of the curriculum. You can enroll your child/children in one or more of these sessions. If you would like your child to attend Study Centre and they are Year 4 upwards, then please please complete the form. If you are unable to complete this form please fill in the return form on the last page of the newsletter or contact the office for an enrolment form. Sessions run for 1 hour after school finishes.
2pm club runs on Wednesday and Friday's from 2pm to 3pm because school finishes at 2pm on those days. It is supervised by staff and the children are given the opportunity to play on the field and school playground along with other activities. The cost is $2 per child per session they attend, to help cover the cost of the staff. It is flexible care, so you only pay if you attend. Caregivers who wish to have access to the service need to register their child each year using this form.
Breakfast Club runs between 8.00-8.30am each school day. It has been great to see a good number of our tamariki coming along for some kai each morning.
We have one parent who has volunteered to run this for us. If anyone would like to volunteer or help with Breakfast Club, please contact the school office.
Breakfast Club is available for all tamariki from our Kura who wish to have breakfast when they arrive at school. We expect that all tamariki will demonstrate their KORAU values when at Breakfast Club.